Saturday 16 July 2011

Information technology is like a bundle of all these things; the water piping system ; the electrical lining system; the bicycles; the roads and highways; the library; the air plane the telephone; printing press and many more…a career IT is not a dead end job; it is a continuous learning and innovating of a lot of things. A career IT is not a dead end job; it’s a continuous learning and innovating a lot of things.

Base on my idea, on information technology is  also commonly known as IT, it is a career that focus in the computer and it is like  bundle of all these things.

Information technology is like a water pipe lining system.
        Information technology is like a water  pipe lining system because it maintains the clean way of communication to your love ones or to the people around you and in using the water pipe lining system it is not possible to have problems that cause the water to flow delayed or slow and there will be a person who is responsible for the problem.

Information technology is just like electrical wiring diagram.
Information technology is just like electrical wiring diagram because like a electrical wiring system the current travels fast from the generating system to transmission lines to transformers and to the consumers, in information technology the data travels fast from the web and into the computer users. In electrical wiring system if one is missing the system will not function or work at all, in information technology if the server or the connection is lost the page or the web cannot be displayed. In wiring system all are connected for current to flow or travel in the different consumers, in information technology, information technology specialist are commonly using computers and their computers are connected to the server or in the internet for the data to travel into their computers for personal use or for work.

IT is just like the bicycle.

In my own idea in the text Information technology is just like the bicycle; because Information Technology is traveling into a long and wide road to development like a bicycle and we are half way to the path that we are traveling because there is so much things to be discover in the world of technologies. Information technology is like a bicycle because just like a bike carrying a thing and that thing is the data transporting to a one place to another place   for example facebook, blogger, yahoo, and many more…you are transporting data from your account to another account by the use of your computer driven by the driver or the user.

 Information technology is like a road and highway.
        Information technology is also  a road and highways because like a road it must have a traveler to explore  the world, and  there will be many obstacles that blocks the way so the traveler must clear the way for him to make it to his destination. In information technology you must clear the obstacles that blocks the way for you to search in the web clearly or faster.

Information technology is like a library.

Information technology is like  a library because it is full of information ,from the word  “information”  technology it is obvious that it has many information in it and it must be informative for the readers just like a library the books inside the library is the websites and it must be informative because the information’s in  it is transmitted or transferred to the readers.

Information technology is like an airplane.
        It is like an airplane because airplane is transporting passengers from one country to another country in information technology data are transported in a one computer to another computer and like a airplane it has a pilot to make sure that passengers are safe, in information technology there is always a computer operator/user to make sure that the data that being transported has no virus for the computer to be safe.

Information technology is like a telephone.
Information technology is like a telephone because information technology is using computers to communicate information just like telephones, telephones are being used by people to communicate. information technology is like a telephone because information technology is  responsible for transmitting the information  as necessary, and later retrieving information as necessary. Just like a phone transmits the voice to the other phone user and later the other telephone user will retrieve the voice of the other phone user.

There are so many things in this world that is alike information technology like radios, television, even news papers that gives information to the readers or in radio and television are viewers and listeners. See how Information technology is useful and essential to us it helps us to develop our world and helps us to make our daily life easier and faster. But developing our world has many disadvantages in our life it makes us lazy and dependent to the machines.        

Information is like a printing press.
        Information technology is like a printing press because it also prints layout and outputs and in information technology the printer is required in order to print layouts and outputs.        

A career IT is not a dead end job; it is a continuous learning and innovating a lot of new things.

A career IT is not a dead end job because we are living in a high-tech world, people are still creating and using new gadgets most especially in big companies and companies now a days are looking for an applicant who is not ignorant in terms of computer so it is important to have knowledge in computers and if you are a graduate of IT you can easily find a job. It is a continuous learning because the world is developing and technologies are upgrading such as type writer, abacus, cell phones and many more… Day by day technologies are innovating and people must know how to use it and how to make it more beautiful and updated so that’s why it is called a continuous learning, for people to grow in a world of technologies that is continuously developing.

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